In order to do almost every activity in Cops and Robbers V whether it as a civilian, police officer or paramedic, you will need a vehicle, but you cannot just go and steal a random car every time you spawn or respawn in the server : this is why personal vehicles are a thing !
You can buy vehicles at different dealerships around the map, and you can store them inside garages. After buying your vehicle you can modify it and use it whenever you want to !
To buy and use a personal vehicle, you first need to own a garage . (Paramedics & Police Officers have their own job garage).
There are 3 different kinds of garages available, each with their pros and cons :
Once you have a garage with some empty space for a vehicle inside, you must go to one of the 4 dealerships on the map to buy your vehicle.
You can find a list of all available garages to buy on the Official CNRV interactive map.
When you go to a dealership, you can see a preview of all the vehicles available with their prices, modding options, level and membership requirements. You are also given the possibility to test drive them for a small fee which is only returned as long as you don't damage the car while test driving it.
On this dealership located in Downtown near the main ammu-nation
, you will be able to buy more modern and luxurious cars that will have better stats and overall performance. There is a lot of variety of vehicles, going from regular sedans and SUVs to high-class, top-tier super and sports cars.
Price : $1,000,000 to $20,000,000.
The used car dealership , located in Davis just besides Grove Street & Mega Mall
is a dealership which sells mostly old, used or cheaper cars (with some exceptions) : although it can be confusing, every car you buy from this dealership will be in a pristine condition, but compared to other vehicles sold at other dealerships, these vehicles will have low to average performance, but with the advantage of being cheap.
Price : $300,000 to $2,000,000.
As the name says, in this dealership also located in Downtown near the Vanilla Unicorn
& Davis Hospital
, you will be able to buy all kind of motorbikes, going from low-tier regular bikes to high-tier, luxurious bikes.
Price : ≈$300,000 to $3,000,000.
As the name implies, in this dealership located in Sandy Shores on the Route 68, you will be able to buy all manners of trucks, vans and off-road vehicles.
Price : ≈$500,000 to $20,000,000.
Police Officers and Paramedics don't need to own a garage in order to purchase vehicles, instead they will each have their own “job garage” in which their purchased vehicles will be accessible from.
They can only buy vehicles from their own job (cops cannot buy civilian and EMS vehicles and EMS cannot buy civilian and police vehicles). To do this they can go to a job dealership to buy vehicles by speaking to the job NPC in a Police Department ot Hospital with a job garage icon
There are 4 dealerships for police officers and 1 for paramedics :
At the Los Santos International Airport you can find a car rental service [yellow car rental logo] which is a service that allows you to rent any of the available rental cars for a full week in-game (≈3 hours in real life) for a price that depends on the type of car you choose.
This service is quite useful for new players, as the cars that are available to rent don't have a level or membership requirement. But it does come with its drawbacks : You cannot mod a rented car at all.
Rented cars work the same way as regular vehicles (see personal vehicles menu) with the exception being that rented cars are sorted together separately from a garage. In the menu you are shown the time you have left with your rental and the option to renew or end the car rental.
Once you have your vehicle, you then have multiple options to manage and call it depending on your job and the type of vehicle.
You can access all your vehicles in the personal vehicles menu by pressing M then by going to “Vehicles”.
Once you are inside the personal vehicles menu, you can then see all your garages, vehicles, the state that it is in (it will show you if it is damaged, impounded, low on fuel or destroyed) and your currently active vehicle if using one.
Inside this menu you can :
If you want to call a vehicle, find it in the vehicle menu then press Enter while the vehicle is highlighted. You will then have access to the vehicle's menu in which you will be able to Deliver a vehicle to your location. The cost of delivery of the vehicle depends on it's value ($5,000 max).
Once it has been called a “Valet” NPC will spawn nearby and bring you your vehicle. Vehicle delivery can fail for multiple reasons :
After doing a vehicle delivery, there is a 1 minute and 30 seconds cooldown before you are able to call another vehicle for delivery. This also happens if the previous delivery has failed for any of the reasons mentioned above.
Membership-locked vehicles or vehicles stored inside a membership-locked garage cannot be delivered if your membership has expired. See FAQ for more information.
Civilians can go inside their garages to fetch their vehicles themselves. To do so, they have to go to the location of their garage on the map then look for a red circle that serves as the “entrance” for the garage. Once they are on this red circle they can press E to enter the garage.
Once inside they can then get in a vehicle and drive out of the garage with it just like in GTA Online.
For Police Officers and Paramedics they cannot go inside their job garages, instead they will have access to their personal vehicles menu and be able to choose whatever vehicle they want and spawn them in front of the job garage . Calling a vehicle this way has a 30 seconds delay between spawns, and doesn't share the same cooldown as regular vehicle delivery, which means it's a good way to call their vehicles without being bothered by cooldown.
If you have a membership-locked garage, you can still go inside and take out the vehicles inside, but you won't be able to manage these vehicles outside of the garage. See FAQ for more information.
You can call your personal vehicles using the /veh-deliver [plate] command in the chat, with [plate] being the identification plate of the personal vehicle you want to call. It's a good way to call vehicles quickly using a command keybind especially as an emergency player.
Please note that for most cases you cannot call vehicles from another job using this command, and if you do manage to call a vehicle from another job or use them, it is considered bug abuse in the rules and can be punished. (ref : CNRV rules → Do not exploit)
You can manage your vehicles in multiple ways using the Personal vehicle menu, Driving vehicle menu or a mechanic player.
You can manage a vehicle from the personal vehicles menu using multiple options :
You cannot use delivery or maintenance on a membership-locked vehicle or vehicles stored inside a membership-locked garage if your membership has expired. See FAQ for more information.
While you are driving a vehicle (even a non-personal vehicle or another player's personal vehicle) you can access its menu by pressing U.
Inside this menu you will be able to access multiple options to manage your vehicle while driving :
You can quickly check the health and fuel % of your car at the top of the menu in every vehicle you drive around (including helicopters and planes)
You can also use the /veh-menu command to open this menu while inside this car : while it's not that useful as a driver, it can be used by a passenger to manage the car (especially if it's a personal vehicle to lock it).
You can repair all vehicles at a mechanic spot or a mod shop
If there is a mechanic player at the mechanic spot, you will be able to access their services menu and if you are inside a mod shop you will be able to modify your vehicles.
Here is the layout of the mechanic menu :
If you access a mechanic player's services, you will have access to their “mod shop” in which you will have multiple services available to buy from this player as long as they have the tools for it. Mechanic players can set their own custom prices for their services so be wary of scams !
Additionally they can also sell some items from their stock that can be used by you:
You can check Mechanic for more information.
If you parked your vehicle illegally and a mechanic player with a tow truck tows it to an Impound , your vehicle will be unusable (no delivery or maintenance) until you go to the impound and pay the impound fee to get your vehicle back. The impound fee depends on the value of your personal vehicle.
To pay the fee of an impounded vehicle, go to any of the 8 Impounds on the map then go to the red circle inside the impound parking and press E to open the impound menu to pay the fee.
You can check Vehicle towing for more information.
Here are some useful tips to know that can be used for personal vehicles.
→ Have a /veh-store keybind : using the FiveM console F8 and the command bind keyboard “[key]” “veh-store”
([key] being the name of the keybind you want to use) you can have a quick and easy way of storing your vehicle. This is pretty useful as it can be used to avoid having your vehicle be stolen, towed or destroyed.
→ Do maintenance regularly : although it costs a bit more money, doing maintenance lets you avoid the pain of having to refuel your vehicle and repair it at a mechanic station, making you gain time : there is no limit to how many vehicles you can send to maintenance, which means you can send all your broken vehicles to maintenance in batches while driving around with a vehicle that is in good condition.
It's especially useful for electric vehicles, as they take longer to charge than a gas vehicle takes to refuel.
→ Always lock your vehicle : when you leave your vehicle, always lock it using U to avoid having it be stolen by other players. It's especially useful for cops as they can avoid criminals taking their vehicles while they are trying to cuff them.
→ Use low-cost vehicles : while it is true that most top-tier vehicles cost a lot of money, there are some low-cost vehicles that are pretty good performance wise and are pretty cheap to deliver, repair and replace in case they are destroyed.
To take some examples, most bikes and some low price sports cars like the Issi Sport or Elegy Retro Custom cost almost nothing to use but have decent performance and modding options, making it a good choice to save money.
→ Test drive vehicles : although we all can understand the pleasure of buying a vehicle that we think looks great, some vehicles are way faster in CNRV compared to in GTA:O, while others can be disappointing compared to their appearance or price tag.
Just having a few laps around each dealership as well as a straight line with curbs can help you get a feeling of how the vehicle is going to handle and perform and if you like it : it doesn't cost much to test drive vehicles, so feel free to try as many as you want !